
Showing posts from November, 2020

Peer teaching


National science day celebration


Workshop on music

As part of our third-semester art education, a musical workshop was conducted on 03/11/2020 Tuesday. This session was led by Dr. Thottam Bhuvanendran Nair. The main focus of the event was on how important music in education. The class has two sections. At first our he gave a detailed description of music and how it can be applied in teaching. It was a very interesting class. He presented many poems and songs in front of us during the class. In the second section was each option is divided into eleven groups. We, students of each group, written and composed a song related to our subject. We prepared a song about the topic ‘SOLIDS'. We give OTTAMTHULLAL tune for it. Our group members are Devanand G.R, Jyothis Eapen, Shani Shaji, Ansu Babu, and Liji Joseph.  It was an informative and interesting session.